I am absolutely thrilled to announce that two projects I participated in last year will be premiering in the San Francisco International Asian American Film Festival! You can imagine the glee that washed over me when I was relayed the news and am even more pleased that I can share it with you. Here are some general information regarding tickets and show times for both films; YES, WE’RE OPEN (feature). RAYMOND (short), locally shot, globally thought.
Here are their trailers, respectively:
Be sure to follow the San Francisco Int’l Asian American Film Festival conversation using #SFIAAFF #SFIAAFF30 and Follow @caam

Pictured: Parry Shen and Lynn Chen
YES, WE’RE OPEN http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1934483/
(WORLD PREMIERE) What’s a young, modern, and open-minded San Francisco couple to do when their relationship begins tostagnate? In the rollicking new comedy Yes, We’re Open, director Richard Wong and writer H.P. Mendoza of Colma: The Musical fame team up to explore sexual mores and competing carnal desires amidst theseemingly civilized landscapes of open-air farmers markets, independent bookstores, and the latest foodie trends.
Festival page: http://festival.caamedia.org/30/guide/program/yes-were-open/ Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/YesWereOpen Twitter: Follow @yeswereopenfilm Archived blog post(s): http://kreenpananas.wordpress.com/tag/yes-were-open-movie/

Family dinner scene, Raymond
Raymond comes home to his family and ex-boyfriend in the Bay Area and must fact the difficult task of coming to terms with illness. With a gracious performance by lead actor Francis Lansang, Raymond presents redemption in the face of adversity.
Festival page: http://festival.caamedia.org/30/guide/program/raymond/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Raymond-Short-Film/191483830905280 Twitter: Director, Follow @markvreyes Archived blog post(s): Raymond, and my on-screen family
Be sure to hit follow and subscribe to the blog, or join the mailing list for updates on screenings (at SFIAAFF) and any future screenings these screen gems might receive. Otherwise, I hope to see you at the screenings and hear what you think about them.
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