I don’t know about you but I had the hardest time saying that name, FUNKANOMETRY. Hah…
Part of the reason we were in SF in the first place was to help our friend, fellow Marden™, musician, Jeremy Passion‘s capture footage for his EPK (electronic press kit). We made way to The Regency Ballroom for the event presented by FUNKANOMETRY called, “SOCKHOP 4“. It was my first time going to one of these huge dance events. And if you know anything about me, I LOVE dancing! –so getting a chance to check one of these outs was a treat.

The program...
Keep in mind that this was a hip-hop team based dance event. But in between some of the performances were showcases by our friends. One of them was someone I’ve directed in a music video, an up-and-coming rapper named Pmac.

Get it, son!
I don’t actually have any photos of my friend Jeremy because I was recording with the camera, but I do have photos of some of the dancers!

Annnnnd jump!
There were some really rad dance groups, but this one in particular was the only one I was able to capture –blame it on the socializing backstage.

I mentioned socializing, but really, it was just watching Richard build this in the greenroom…

A video will be out soon...oi...
But back on stage, some rad moves!

And run!

Reach for the sky!
All in all a really neat event with a positive message.
Ended the night with this though–a well deserved drink (or six).
