With Black Friday as far back in our mind as the Turkey Grease it rode in on, it’s time to set our focus on the task at hand: What do you buy a guy for Christmas? In this moment of need, I will step in and rescue you from the venomous snake that is: buyer’s doubt.
Whether you’re a woman looking to impress this fella with your impeccable XY Chromosome buy talents, or a friend looking to reward that manly man for their great listening skills, this list should help you:

Photo courtesy of Premium Wrapping Sets, click on the photo for Kickstarter page
I pity the foo’ without a foosball table. No really though. This is one of those things that is guaranteed to surprise any male, of any age. Sure it conjures up images of reckless frat pack behavior but at the end of the day, it’s just another step to recognizing soccer, I mean, futbol as a legit sport in the U.S. Did I mention it can double as a makeshift table? Win-win.
This item is a two-folder; Firstly, he’ll have no reason why he showed up late to your backyard pool party. And secondly, you’ll actually have confidence in asking another person, “Hey, what time is it?”. No more having to rely on whipping out your smartphone (and wasting precious social networking battery) to check on the time. Plus, what’s a little watch tan to go with that farmer’s tan he probably has.
Guys are bombarded by loud noises all the time. Many of which can potentially put some serious long term damage on those sensitive ears. How can you help save his profound ability to listen to the World’s problems? And by World, I mean, you. If you’re reading this, you probably mean the World to him. While there are a number of fantastic brands out there –I’m merely a guide, the journey to the check-out cart is entirely yours. Still not convinced?
Practical? Hardly. Will you be the talk of town? Absolutely. ‘Nuff said.
Most men are about utility. One car for everything. One pair of shoe for everything. One Ring to rule them all –you know, that kind of thing. So, it comes to no surprise that the Swiss Army Knife made my list. I can’t count the amount of times I needed a mini knife to cut through some reinforced plastic packaging found in most electronic gizmo, or the times I needed a can opener to spread some tuna goodness atop anxiously waiting wheat bread. Look, outside of climbing the Swiss Alps to open a Swiss Bank account to save up for some IKEA, your best bet to rewarding your man friend with some Swiss-something is going to be a Swiss Army Knife. Or Swiss cheese. It’s your call.
Honorable Mentions
Steak – The way to a man’s heart is always through his stomach. A steak in the stomach is better than a stake in the heart.
Back to the Future Trilogy Box Set – Whether he’s a man of God or Science, I guarantee he’ll have a deep appreciation for the inner workings of this movie. If you want an alternative, pick up the Indiana Jones Trilogy (leave the fourth part in the dark, no one needs to know about that bastard child)
This guide reflects the opinions of the writer and one should always weigh in the options before spending their money. But hey, did you find this guide helpful? What would you add to this list? Feel free to use the comment box below or shoot me a tweet!<a href="https://polldaddy.com/p/5742889" target="_blank">Take Our Poll</a>Follow @tasialabastro
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