I spent a great deal of my day in two places I absolutely love: Theatre and coffee shops.
Every so often I’m involved in helping in improv workshops with (most of the time) youth. I’m a member of the San Jose Repertory Theatre’s Red Ladder Company, which is a major part of their Outreach department.
Today I was back on familiar grounds!

Everyone was in for a treat today, we had fun creating short scenes basing each performance on improv. In this particular game called, SET DESIGNER, one group constructs a set using seven set pieces. Another group then uses the set and creates a scene in what they think the set should be used for. Immediately after, the original team performs a scene with what the set actually is meant to be. Get it? GREAT FUN!

Case in point, Melissa’s team used the set we designed as a rocket ship; We presented them with a scene that was meant to take place in a salon! How’s that for the power of the imagination?

Fit your own caption to this…
Immediately after the morning workshop, I met up with Director/DP friend Amy who took a meeting with me to discuss potentially shooting the Square Marden short film, LINT. Outside of some sketches and storyboard panel images, I haven’t tweeted, or talked about it much. All I can say is, I’m ridiculously excited to get this shot –albeit, scared out of my wits fiddling with this pre-production phase. Fingers crossed, plans made.
The day ended right back at The Rep –Sarah and I caught the evening performance of GOD OF CARNAGE, directed by Rick Lombardo.
What can I say that hasn’t already been positively printed in the local papers and internationally? Practically nothing new except that I found the show exceptionally wicked and a hoot! This cast was on fire. I’ve been a fan of Amy Resnick since Splitting Infinity and I was not let down.
Really though, go see it -even if it’s not at the San Jose Rep. Go.
We’re glad we did!

Have you seen this show? Or do you have interest in sharing your stories as an teaching artist? I’d love to hear it! Leave me a comment below, or feel free to tweet me at Follow @tasialabastro
Related articles
Review: ‘God of Carnage’ at San Jose Rep (mercurynews.com)
Manitoba theatre to mount Carnage without B.C. partner (cbc.ca)
How Improv Can Improve Your Writing: 4 Takeaways (katenewburg.wordpress.com)