It’s been four days since the Fourth of July but the left over food Francis and I packed, like college students, are continuing to feed us through the week! I’m really glad I went out and accepted Francis’ invite to spend the Fourth with his family out in Pinole. It was a really jovial and warm atmosphere complete with palmistry / fortune telling, story swapping, and best of all, FOOD!
We chowed down immediately after arriving on some Filipino soul food!

Baboy sa bagoong / Pork in salted shrimp paste

Sinigang na baboy / Pork with tamarind pork base
With some down time between meals and waiting for the other family guests to arrive, his Uncle offered to read our fortunes via a deck of cards or palm reading. Fascinating.

Francis and his Uncle...
It was fun hearing him spin fortunes –albeit, a bit spooky at times. But I love a bit of spook. The food kept coming off of the grill!

An offering of pork ribs that came right off of the bone!
And some not off the grill. Like this flavorful poke (pronounced, “poh-keh”).

Poke poke poke!
And to wash it down, a bit of hot sauce and Corona!

Happy Fourth of Belly!
Later in the evening we decided to watch the movie SALT, which I gotta say, was a little “meh”. We even got around to watching REPO MEN which wasn’t all that much better. In fact, I think I had a more entertaining time trying to figure which remote did what…

As with (seemingly) any Filipino party here in the U.S.A, there was the karaoke-off. Drunk Uncles and Aunties finishing the night with the tunes of Elvis Presley, Sinatra, and other vocal derivatives of the swoon-a-rific ballads of their youth…

Aw yeah, get down Tito!
What a wonderful way to start the week!Follow @tasialabastro