A Simple Life is one of four one act plays in the 06 Ensemble’s THE BENCH PROJECT. I mentioned in a previous entry that I’m acting in one, and directing another one –A Simple Life is the piece I’m acting in. Exciting times.

Akemi and I going over the script. photo courtesy of Jonathan Amores
We had our first rehearsal last night. Jonathan Amores is directing, while our cast of three included Akemi Okamura, Mimu Tsijumura and myself.

photo courtesy of Director, Jonathan Amores
Space is a premium but we managed to find one –luckily it didn’t cost an arm and a leg. Jonathan had some space at his place so we made all cozy like with the space. Blocking stayed at a minimum with most of the decisions arriving through actor’s intuition. Jonathan did a swell did directing by offering and suggesting action using concise verbs. Despite having only a short time to work on this, I’m still incredibly excited to present this!

I had a chance to work with Akemi some weeks ago during a staged reading of Jeffrey’s play, but this is the first time we’ve actually had a chance to play directly off of each other. My hats off to her, she’s terrific! I just met Mimu this evening but she has sharp intuition when it comes to her reading and actions. I can’t wait to see what both of these ladies have prepared by our second rehearsal.

On that note, I should get back to pouring over my notes and lines. Thanks for keeping up. For the play by play (no pun intended), be sure to follow: #06BP on Twitter.
Join us on June 30th: https://www.facebook.com/events/241558659280527/
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